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Monday, January 26, 2009


I have recently been pondering the meaning of life and the reasoning behind our existence on this planet.

My thoughts on this are two main reasons:

1) To pro-create
2) To make a difference

Obviously the first one is very self explanatory but the second reason is somewhat more complex in its meaning.

So how do you make a difference in this world. I used to always think that making a difference, is doing something that the world can fully appreciate that means that you have made a difference, but the older I get the more I realise that actually sometimes making a difference in the world can happen on such a smaller scale.

Providing people with words of encouragement in times of extreme difficulty is in my opinion one of the biggest ways of making a difference. Taking the time to listen to other people and be able to offer advice to those people actually can make the biggest difference in the world, to them and sometimes subsequently to the world.

Martin Luther King offering words of inspiration about having a dream, can directly be attributed to a lot of black, mixed race and other ethnicities achieving their own dreams, people such as Oprah, Obama and several other extremely successful people accredit MLK with giving them the belief they too can make it/achieve their dreams.

Now not everyone has the platform Martin Luther King did, but this example can be seen in smaller studies, where a teacher has inspired a student to become successful in a particular field. Parents are also accredited to being great role models, teaching morals, values and beliefs. Then there are the friends that are there to pick up the pieces when your world falls apart, helping you to see what is ahead.

I just hope that I may have made a difference to one person, who then makes a difference to several people as a direct result.

Anyways I am rambling as per usual. Just try and remember to help make a difference to someones life for the better.

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